Body Story

Shadow journaling course 

A guided somatic journaling journey to integrate traumatic experiences and process shadow emotions so you can feel peace inside and compassion toward your highly sensitive body. 

Unexpressed shadow emotions and unprocessed trauma energy can burn us up inside. In this course, you'll resolve those energies for peace inside your body.

You'll feel incredibly light after writing to these prompts.

Body Story uses parts of your body to inspire journaling prompts. It's trauma-informed and thoughtfully curated - a journey of somatic healing for the sensitive woman who feels separate from her body, inflamed (physically and emotionally) by what she's not saying and all the trauma energy she's holding, who struggles with chronic conditions, has experienced narcissistic abuse, boundary violations, feeling invisible, resentful or scared of her body, and chronically overwhelmed by her sensitivity. Who wants to bring resolution to all that with one journaling program.  


  • Lighter
  • Transformed
  • Released
  • Safe to connect with your body
  • Much more compassion toward your body
I'm in.

You long to connect with your body.

You want to feel peace inside it, and you think journaling could help.

It feels accessible, an intimate healing journey you could take between you and you. You're drawn to that.

And yet...

  • You feel a lot of resistance to writing your truth
  • You don't really know how to journal so you can heal
  • You're afraid to go near some things
  • You do not feel safe connecting with your body
  • You need guidance. And someone to help you feel safe on the journey.

So you don't journal. You just keep holding everything and your body keeps feeling like an angry, unsafe place.

Because of everything you're holding. Unexpressed emotions and trauma energies live in your body; it's the release of those things from your body that make connection, compassion and peace inside yourself possible.  

They keep burning you up inside (physically and energetically), making you feel anxious, triggered or disassociated, likely making conditions you live with worse because suppression feeds inflammation.

You just keep longing for peace, instead of all that.

To feel connected with your body by resolving what feels ugly in you.

Body Story will help you get this. That's a promise.

Join this course and I'll be your guide. I'll help you feel supported and safe through the journey. 

Through 23 prompts together - no matter how long they take you to write through - you will:

  • Truly be able to process emotions and events
  • Integrate traumatic experiences so they won't haunt you anymore
  • Resolve feelings of distance, resentment or fear toward your body
  • Land in genuine compassion for your body
  • Find a peace inside yourself that stays.

"Body Story will help you make friends with your body, and from this friendship, a gentle healing of old, deep scars."   Nimisha K.


"Before joining Body Story I was struggling with crippling anxiety. I was concerned that the course wouldn't really do anything for me, but as a result of joining my anxiety has significantly decreased. My body is lighter and I understand myself more fully. I loved it. I felt prepared and the prompts were helpful and healing. This course has been more beneficial to me than therapy."   J.S


"Since joining Body Story I am less detached from my feelings. I've learned to think more deeply about the connection between feelings, pain and memories. I liked that Jennifer reminded us to honor our bodies and only do what we felt comfortable with. I would recommend Body Story. The prompts are very informative and efficient at getting to the heart of things. I also LOVE how her prompts are worded."   Jennica L.

"As a result of joining, I've experienced profound healing. Anger that was living inside me has lifted. Peace and joy. No more panic attacks. I feel much more at peace. I feel free, and I haven't felt free in my whole adult life. Would I recommend Body Story? 1000 percent!"   Gina MacConnell


"I loved Body Story so much. It was such a deep, tender and beautiful journey to take with myself. I cannot say enough about how incredible it has been, what a powerful journey it is. The way it builds on itself, how it's delivered - it's so thoughtfully curated. Body Story helped me truly process emotions and events, including things I thought I was no longer carrying the weight of. I followed a tender little tug on my intuition to join and I'm so grateful I did. It was an incredible experience."   Laura F. 


"You will gain an incredible understanding of yourself, your body and your mind/body connection."   Sara F.

I'm so ready for this.

Hi there.

I'm Jennifer - Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Coach, Somatic Writing Coach and highly sensitive INFJ empath. I help sensitive womxn who feel their emotions deeply resolve somatic trauma and come home to their bodies by writing what their bodies hold. 

I'm also a complex trauma and covert narcissism survivor who has dealt with chronic mind/body conditions all my life. Because of all that, I created Body Story. 

I needed a way to honor what my body held so I could truly heal. After writing through this course myself and hearing from the hundreds of women who've been helped by Body Story, I know this for certain: feeling our feelings and writing our truth is what makes it possible to live peacefully inside our highly sensitive bodies. 

My work combines self-exploration, writing and giving your body a voice, and I have a gift for intuitive prompts that guide you into the writing that will make the difference for you.

Let's start your journey for peace in your body together. Join Body Story and see for yourself why so many alums call Body Story "life-changing."

Choose your Winter Circle:


1:00 - 2:00pm (Pacific)

Begins Wednesday, January 10th, ends Wednesday, March 27th

  • 12 x weekly writing circles on Zoom
  • A beautiful & supportive writing community
  • Access to a private Inspiration Playlist of all the songs we take prompts from

* This circle is full


10:00 - 11:00am (Pacific)

Begins Saturday, January 13th, ends Saturday, March 30th.

  • 12 x weekly writing circles on Zoom
  • A beautiful & supportive writing community
  • Access to a private Inspiration Playlist of all the songs we take prompts from

*limited to 10 writers to keep the vibe intimate and cozy

Join and pay in full ($179)


"I would definitely recommend this course for anyone who feels distant from their body or a little scared of it. It really has been life-changing for me. If you're the type of person who doesn't hold back when facing yourself to improve yourself, just dive in, give it your all and I have no doubt it will be just as transformative for you."   Prefers to remain anonymous


"I joined Body Story because I was struggling to process a relationship that involved covert narcissistic abuse. I was terrified to begin. Though Body Story took bravery, I emerged on the other side with much healing and a far more compassionate perspective. I found more strength than I knew I had. I feel lighter in my body and more hopeful in my mind. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to any woman who even thinks she might need it."   Heidi G.

"Body Story is very rich. The prompts are paragraphs and paragraphs of good stuff."   Nicole Gulotta


"Since writing through Body Story, the differences I feel are subtle. I'm more curious now. I'm willing to ask my body more questions when things come up, almost like the act of writing gave it a voice and made me more willing to listen."   L.Y.


"I would absolutely, 100%, without a doubt recommend Body Story. Jennifer creates such a loving, warm space for you to excavate your old wounds, that rather than feeling painful or scary, it feels empowering and restorative. I've been journaling for quite awhile and have never had the breakthroughs, insights and healing moments I got from this program. From the first word of the first prompt, I felt held, supported, encouraged and validated in every single emotion that came up. It's hard to describe how you can get all that from a series of prompts, but just trust me: if Body Story calls to you even a little bit, you will NOT regret it."   Sara F.

Let's do this.

 Have a question about Body Story?

Send me an email; I'm happy to answer.

[email protected]