BodyLove Prompt Book

40 somatic journaling prompts to connect with your body and find love for it post-trauma.

It can feel foreign to appreciate your body post-trauma.

These prompts will get you there.

Feeling disconnected from our bodies can become so familiar.

Being highly sensitive and living with years of trauma, chronic conditions or both can leave us angry at our bodies, afraid of them, frustrated with them. It can leave us with a deeply embedded sense of body hatred - all root causes of disconnection.

And we stay in disconnection because we don't have a practice to find love for our bodies that honors what they've been through.

But there does come a moment when we start wanting connection.

To feel appreciation, affirmation and love for our bodies and body parts.

But how do we find that - really find it - when disconnection and all its root causes feel so pervasive and familiar?

This is going to sound oversimplified, but it's true:

We find loving connection with our bodies by journaling somatically.

To the right prompts.

The right prompts open a dialogue with your body and invite you to express honestly, while continually orienting you to appreciation, affirmation and forgiveness of your body.

The BodyLove Prompt Book will give you this.

Prompts that help you:

  • dialogue with your body (and body parts) 
  • integrate your old/current relationship with your body and reframe it
  • unwind patterns of self-judgement to find compassion
  • resolve narratives of body resentment, hatred or fear
  • connect with your heart and help it feel safe and seen

The BodyLove Prompt Book is printable, designed to be a beautiful and tactile resource for you to begin your journaling ritual. Follow the prompts in order or choose one from the list whenever you need it.

A ritual to heal your relationship with your body.

Journal into one prompt per week, put pen to page and heal your relationship with your body.

That's your ritual - and my promise.

Writing through the BodyLove Prompt Book will cultivate familiarity in your nervous system with what it feels like to connect with and love your body - a new, fairly intimidating feeling for a lot of us. Purchase of this book gives you a reason to drop into your body regularly and appreciate it. You'll need that, especially in the beginning when this kind of writing still feels strange. Body love is an act of will for post-traumatic sensitive womxn. These prompts will be your quiet, powerful guide.

Get the BodyLove Prompt Book

You know journaling is self-connective for you.

You remember it being that way. But you've kind of lost your ability to sit down and write. Now you . . . 

  • Need prompts. You don't know what to write or where to begin
  • Feel intimidated and blocked. You don't know how to connect with your body
  • A lot has gone unsaid between your body and you and you don't know how to bridge that gap
  • You don't think you'll really believe loving things even if you write them
  • You have a lot of trauma with your body that you don't know how to resolve through journaling and still feel nourished after.

So you don't write. And you keep feeling disconnected from your body.

Which means you can't be creative. Your body stays trapped in fight, flight or freeze. Old narratives continue to run you and you keep resenting how needy, symptomatic and reactive your body is. Which damages your relationship with your sensitivity and self.

You deserve better than this.

And the fact that you want more than this is not nothing.

You don't have to stay here.

I want you to know the BodyLove Prompt Book will help you out of this space. Let's unlock love for your body together.

Journaling into these prompts, you'll:

  • Talk with your body
  • Let your body talk with you
  • Find forgiveness for your body
  • Feel forgiveness from your body
  • Forge a loving connection with your body that will stay

You'll receive:

  • Immediate access to the BodyLove Prompt Book
  • The option to print your book
  • Instructions how to journal so your writing feels productive and nourishing
  • An Assessment to recognize shifts as they happen
  • Reflection questions to deepen your experience
  • *Bonus: access to a private journaling playlist to help you settle, soften and turn your focus inward for writing.

Investment: $97

*Community Appreciation Sale for a limited time: use code BL20 for 20% off at checkout.

Choose your Winter Circle:

"There is a strong soothing quality to the BodyLove Book. I savor each prompt like a balm and cherish my journaling as a sacred space where I can be fully me. To anyone looking for a kind, tender and supportive guide through the wilds of your somatic memories, look no further. Jennifer's journaling prompts will provide the healing, self-honoring and self-loving in the exact dose you need."

Sara F.

Get the BodyLove Prompt Book

Hello, I'm Jennifer

I'm a highly sensitive INFJ empath and Certified Somatic Trauma Integration and Somatic Writing Coach. I help sensitive womxn who feel their emotions intensely resolve somatic trauma and come home to their bodies by writing what their bodies hold. 

I'm also a complex trauma and covert narcissism survivor who has dealt with chronic conditions all my life. Because of all this, feeling genuine love for my body has been really hard, for a really long time. Which is why I created this prompt book.

I needed it for myself. I needed a practice to bring appreciation into my body that felt like it honored what my body has been through. This is a quiet little offering, but it's powerful. By writing into one prompt per week, every prompt in this book, I completely healed my relationship with my body. I know how that sounds, but it's true.

My work combines self-exploration, writing and giving your body a voice; I have a gift for intuitive prompts that guide you into the writing that will make the difference for you.

I would love to share this body love experience with you.

Get started with this book. One prompt per week. It really can heal the way you feel toward your body.


1:00 - 2:00pm (Pacific)

Begins Wednesday, January 10th, ends Wednesday, March 27th

  • 12 x weekly writing circles on Zoom
  • A beautiful & supportive writing community
  • Access to a private Inspiration Playlist of all the songs we take prompts from

* This circle is full


10:00 - 11:00am (Pacific)

Begins Saturday, January 13th, ends Saturday, March 30th.

  • 12 x weekly writing circles on Zoom
  • A beautiful & supportive writing community
  • Access to a private Inspiration Playlist of all the songs we take prompts from

*limited to 10 writers to keep the vibe intimate and cozy

Join and pay in full ($179)
Get the BodyLove Prompt Book 💗

"Jennifer's prompts are like poems. Her words have a way of directing you lovingly into exactly the places you need to go."

Sara F.

"Ooh Jennifer. you've done it again. I wish I could crawl into your prompts and live in their magic forever."



The BodyLove Prompt Book contains 40 somatic journaling prompts, thoughtfully curated for the sensitive womxn who has lost love for her body after years of trauma, chronic conditions or both. If that is you and you're feeling called, I hope you'll honor where that's coming from in you. Not everyone wants to love or feel connected with their bodies; the fact that you do is significant. It would be an honor to help you unlock that loving connection with the prompts in this book.

Get Your BodyLove Prompt Book 💗

 Have a question about the Prompt Book?

Send me an email; I'm happy to answer.

[email protected]